Project Menu

From PanelForge 5 Documentation

Follows is a description of the items and functionality provided in the PanelForge ‘Project’ main menu bar menu:

Project Information... Displays the Project Information window containing various information about the current Project.
Project Settings -> Panel View… Displays the Panel View settings window. This window contains options to adjust how elements of the Canvas and Stage are displayed.
Project Settings -> Panel Naming… Displays the Panel Naming settings window. This window provides options to adjust the way Panels are named in the Project when created and reorganizated.
Project Settings -> Panel Frames Per Second… Displays a window to adjust the ‘Frames per seconds’ used to playback the Panels contained in the project.
Project Settings -> Panel Defaults… Displays the Panel Defaults settings window. This window dictates the values of certain elements and object settings when created.
Project Settings -> Panel Resolution Resize… Displays a window to resize all the Panel Canvas image data contained in the current Project.
Project Settings -> Asset Library Manager... Displays the Asset Library Manager window. This window provides functionality to adjust, add and remove the Asset Libraries available in the current Project.
New Panel -> Panel Increment... Create a new Panel at the next available panel numbering in the current Project.
New Panel -> Shot Increment... Create a new Panel at the next available Shot numbering in the current Project.
New Panel -> Scene Increment... Create a new Panel at the next available Scene numbering in the current Project.
Duplicate Panel -> Panel Increment... Create a Copy of the currently selected Panel with incremented numbering with the next available panel numbering in the current Project.
Duplicate Panel -> Shot Increment... Create a Copy of the currently selected Panel with incremented numbering with the next available Shot numbering in the current Project.
Duplicate Panel -> Scene Increment... Create a Copy of the currently selected Panel with incremented numbering with the next available Scene numbering in the current Project.
Delete Panel(s)... Delete the currently selected Panels from the Project. The corresponding Panel files are also removed from disk storage. This action is not Undoable.
Rename Panel... Displays a dialog window to adjust the currently selected Panel’s name.
Set Panel(s) Name... Displays the Set Panel Name tool window. This window provides functionality to quickly adjust the currently selected Panel naming.
Colour Tag Panel(s) -> None Set the currently selected Panel Tag Colour to None.
Colour Tag Panel(s) -> Green Set the currently selected Panel Tag Colour to Green.
Colour Tag Panel(s) -> Yellow Set the currently selected Panel Tag Colour to Yellow.
Colour Tag Panel(s) -> Red Set the currently selected Panel Tag Colour to Red.
Colour Tag Panel(s) -> Blue Set the currently selected Panel Tag Colour to Blue.
Colour Tag Panel(s) -> Purple Set the currently selected Panel Tag Colour to Purple.
Skip Zero duration Panels When toggled do not switch the current Panel to any Panel with a duration of zero when using the ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ Panel functionality.
Previous Panel (Ctrl Left) Set the current selected and active Panel to the previous Panel in the Project from the current active Panel.
Next Panel (Ctrl Right) Set the current selected and active Panel to the next Panel in the Project from the current active Panel.