Project Information

From PanelForge 5 Documentation

The 'Project Information' dialog window provides various general information about the currently open PanelForge Project.

When a PanelForge Project is open this dialog window can be accessed via the Project->Project Information... main menu item.


More details on this information are listed below:

  • Panel Count: The total amount of Panels in the current Project.
  • Panel Default Resolution: The default Panel Canvas resolution when creating new Panels [1]
  • Total Duration 'Fixed' Mode: The total time to play through the Project in frames and minutes/seconds. When Panel timing is set to the 'Fixed'[2] mode.
  • Total Duration 'Custom' Mode: The total time to play through the Project in frames and minutes/seconds. When Panel timing is set to the 'Custom'[3] mode.


  1. PanelForge does not technically restrict Panels of different resolutions being contained in a Project.
  2. Panels are a uniform duration.
  3. Panels are set to various custom durations.