Stage Tools

From PanelForge 5 Documentation
Revision as of 21:03, 3 June 2020 by James (talk | contribs)

The 'Stage Tools' palette provides the ability to choose the current interactive tool in the Stage workspace.

This palette also makes available all the settings for the active stage workspace tool.


To set the active stage workspace tool select the corresponding tool icon button.

The ability to quickly switch between different stage tools is provided by custom Keyboard Shortcuts.

The current stage workspace tool can also be selected in the ’Tools’ sub menu of the ’Stage’ main application menu.

The active stage tool settings can be displayed or hidden by clicking the active stage tool settings label below the stage tool icon buttons.

Canvas Tool Buttons

Use the 'Detailed Information...' link in the below selections to view help about using each of the available Canvas Tools:

Select Tool


Select the Stage objects in a rectangular area of the Stage Viewport by dragging.

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Move Tool


Interactively move the currently selected Stage objects by dragging the move manipulator in the Stage Viewport. Alternatively, select Stage Objects by dragging in the Stage Viewport.

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Rotate Tool


Interactively rotate the currently selected Stage objects by dragging the rotate manipulator in the Stage Viewport. Alternatively, select Stage Objects by dragging in the Stage Viewport.

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Scale Tool


Interactively scale the currently selected Stage objects by dragging the scale manipulator in the Stage Viewport. Alternatively, select Stage Objects by dragging in the Stage Viewport.

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Move Pivot Tool


Interactively move the pivot of the currently selected Stage objects by dragging the pivot manipulator in the Stage Viewport.

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Magic Transform Tool


Press an object to Move and Rotate the object based on an object's surface in the Stage Viewport.

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