Video Tutorials
From PanelForge 5 Documentation
Theses videos were made with PanelForge Studio v1. Some interface elements may be slightly different, but instructions will still be easy to follow.
Getting Started Tutorial
Recommended for every new user of PanelForge whatever your prior knowledge and experience:
Getting Started Tutorial. - Available at Vimeo.
Mini Tutorials
Delve deeper into a particular topic with these concise ‘mini’ tutorials.
PanelForge Mini-tutorial: Presets. - Available at Vimeo.
PanelForge Mini-tutorial: Overlays. - Available at Vimeo.
Renaming & Panel Management
PanelForge Mini-tutorial: Renaming & Panel Management. - Available at Vimeo.
Stage Materials
PanelForge Mini-tutorial: Stage Materials. - Available at Vimeo.