Asset Library Manager

From PanelForge 5 Documentation
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Asset Reference Manager

Assets are vital to creating a 3D board. These are imported in via a library.

Panelforge comes equipped with a preset library of assets, which include objects, primitives and environments. It's also very easy to create and link to your own asset libraries through the asset management palette.

Assets can be accessed from the Window tab. A standalone palette with the prebuild asset library in, selecting the plus icon next to the library folder will open the root and concurrent folders.

Currently the Local Asset Library isn't meant for use with 3D objects, especially in use with studios. However, it can be used for adding in images and 2D items to the folder. Please see Assets for more information on Assets types and utilize them.

Creating a library

An asset library is a computer folder that is linked to the Panelforge project. Within this, you can have multiple levels of folders. Once you’ve created the folders needed you need to populate them with the .objs or .pfe you wish to use in the episode. The lower the size of the asset, the better it should run within the program.

Asset Management

Once you’ve created an asset library or been given one the next step is to link it to the project. Please make sure you keep your assets in the original folder if you’ve been given one by a studio.

To link between the library and the project, make sure you’ve saved your Asset library where you want it, then go into Panelforge. The Asset tab can be found under the Window tab. Once in the Assets palette click the Manage assets tab on the top bar.
This will bring up Manage Asset Libraries Dialogue box. This features actions you can do within this box as well as where the asset libraries and their file paths will display.
To import a library you can click the Add button. This allows you to browse the file system and select the folder needed. As mentioned previously you can have multiple folders within a folder so if you make sure you select the root folder.
The selected folder and the file path will appear in the manage asset libraries palette. Multiple asset libraries can be added here. To leave this palette just select close. The new asset library should now be in the assets palette as a collapsable folder. To remove a library, go back into manage asset libraries, and with the folder selected click the remove button.

In the case of studios with freelancers, when supplying freelancers with an asset library it’s possible to relink asset libraries upon receiving a completed panelforge project back from the artist. However to do so, the asset library given to the freelancer should match the inhouse asset library. This includes not moving .objs otherwise the links will break. Asset libraries in house can work from servers and can be assessed by multiple board artists at once.

Upon re-opening an asset library from a different location you will be given this notification.


This is due to the file paths's changing, from location to location. To easily relink the assets click , and the manage asset libraries palette should appear. Here you can edit the path of the folder system to the location you keep your own assets. This can also be done inside the project from the asset library manager dialogue box. To relink multiple broken object paths please see Asset Reference Manager