Stage Object Attributes

From PanelForge 5 Documentation
Revision as of 13:26, 5 July 2017 by James (talk | contribs)

The ’Stage Objects Attribute’ Palette provides the functionality to adjust the attribute properties of the currently selected Stage Object.

When multiple objects are selected in the Stage the attributes of the first object will be displayed in the Palette.


Universal Stage Object attributes

The following attributes are present for all objects present in the Stage:

  • ‘’’Label’’’: (Text field) Identifying name of the object in the Stage.
  • ‘’’Visibility’’’: (Checkbox) Defining if the Stage Object is displayed in the Stage Viewport and Stage Geometry objects are visible in the Stage output layer.
  • ‘’’Locked’’’: (Checkbox) Defining if the Stage Object can be modified or selected using the Stage Tools.

Positioning Stage Object attributes

These attributes are also present for all objects in the Stage:

  • ‘’’Position’’’: (Number fields) The Stage Object’s position in ‘Local Space’ for the X, Y and X axis.
  • ‘’’Rotation Order’’’: (Popup Menu) Defines rotation order of Stage Object’s euler rotation values in the Stage.
  • ‘’’Rotation’’’: (Number fields) The Stage Object’s euler rotation values in ‘Local Space’ for the X, Y and X axis.
  • ‘’’Scale’’’: (Number fields) The Stage Object’s scale values in ‘Local Space’ for the X, Y and X axis.

Specialised Stage Object attributes

Each Stage Object type has various specialised attributes unique for each object type. These attributes for each type are described below:

Geometry Object Type

The Solid Objects comprising of Geometry Meshes which are visible in the Stage viewport and the output stage Layer.

  • ‘’’Material‘’’: (Popup Menu) Current Material used to display Object in Stage Viewport.
  • ‘’’Reference Source‘’’: (Text field) Asset Library used to source location of Geometry file on disk.
  • ‘’’Reference Path‘’’: (Text field) Path in Asset Library used to source location of Geometry file on disk.
  • ‘’’Export Object‘’’: (Text field) Metadata of Source Object used to generate the reference Geometry File.
  • ‘’’Export Path‘’’: (Text field) Metadata of Source File used to generate the reference Geometry File.

Null (Group/Locator) Object Type

Special objects that assist in the layout and organisation of a Panel’s Stage.

  • ‘’’Display Size‘’’: Multiplier of preview display object shown in Stage Viewport Previews.
  • ‘’’Null Type‘’’: Method used to display Null Object in Stage Viewport and UI Elements.

Perspective Camera Object Type

Realistic type cameras. The Stage ‘Edit’ and ‘Panel’ cameras are this type.

  • ‘’’Camera Look-At-Point‘’’: The Camera's centre of interest used in Camera Navigation.
  • ‘’’Display Size‘’’: Multiplier of preview display object shown in Stage Viewport Preview.
  • ‘’’Focal Length‘’’: In millimetres, adjusts the lens 'Zoom' amount.
  • ‘’’Angle of View‘’’: In degrees, the extent visible from in the camera's view.
  • ‘’’Film Gate‘’’: Preset menu of Camera types.
  • ‘’’Film Aperture‘’’: In Inches, adjusts the film gate size which affects the Angle of View.
  • ‘’’Aspect Ratio‘’’: Ratio of the Camera's width to it's height.
  • ‘’’Camera Light‘’’: The default Stage light is emitted from the Camera.
  • ‘’’Near Clip Plane‘’’: Distance from Camera Objects will begin to be visible in stage Viewport.
  • ‘’’Far Clip Plane‘’’: Distance from Camera Objects will no longer be visible in stage Viewport.

Orthographic Camera Object Type

Flat projection type cameras. The Stage ‘Front’, ‘Top’ and ‘Side’ cameras are this type.

  • ‘’’Display Size‘’’: Multiplier of preview display object shown in Stage Viewport Preview.
  • ‘’’Camera Light‘’’: The default Stage light is emitted from the Camera.
  • ‘’’Camera View Width‘’’: In Stage units, amount horizontally visible in Stage Viewport.
  • ‘’’Near Clip Plane‘’’: Distance from Camera Objects will begin to be visible in stage Viewport.
  • ‘’’Far Clip Plane‘’’: Distance from Camera Objects will no longer be visible in stage Viewport.

Light Object Type

All light types provide the same attribute properties. Some light types do not support all attribute features.

  • ‘’’Display Size‘’’: Multiplier of preview display object shown in Stage Viewport Previews.
  • ‘’’Light Active‘’’: Toggle emitting light to illuminate Objects in Stage Viewports.
  • ‘’’Light Square‘’’: Emit Square area from light instead of Circle (Spot Light Type Only).
  • ‘’’Light Intensity‘’’: Multiplier of light emission brightness.
  • ‘’’Light Colour‘’’: Colour multiplier of light emission brightness.
  • ‘’’Light Angle‘’’: Cone angle of light emitted from Object (Spot Light Type Only).
  • ‘’’Light Penumbra‘’’: Percentage of light cone edge brightness fade (Spot Light Type Only).
  • ‘’’Light Attenuation‘’’: Brightness attenuation Multiplier per stage unit from light object [Linear, * ‘’’Quadratic, Cubic] (Spot Light Type Only).
  • ‘’’Shadow Active‘’’: Depth Map Shadow is generated and displayed in Stage Viewport (Spot Light Type Only).
  • ‘’’Shadow Resolution‘’’: Depth Map Shadow Texture Resolution (Spot Light Type Only).
  • ‘’’Light Near Clip‘’’: Depth Map Shadow Generation Camera Near Clip distance (Spot Light Type Only).
  • ‘’’Light Far Clip‘’’: Depth Map Shadow Generation Camera Far Clip distance (Spot Light Type Only).