Revision History

From PanelForge 5 Documentation
Revision as of 14:56, 25 January 2016 by James (talk | contribs) (Created page with " ==PanelForge 1.2.2== * Improve missing stage file reference question dialog window. * Add Force Regenerate Canvas Stage Layer functionality. * Hide viewport contents when...")
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PanelForge 1.2.2

  • Improve missing stage file reference question dialog window.
  • Add Force Regenerate Canvas Stage Layer functionality.
  • Hide viewport contents when switching workspace.
  • Update Welcome Window UI.
  • Workspace toolbar tooltips.
  • Export dialog windows have option to deactivate Panel Colour Tag overlay.
  • MagicTransform stage tool add Icon and only use one undo state.
  • Deactivate tool tips application preference setting.
  • Canvas and Stage Tool Palette ToolTips.
  • Panel Timeline palette shares Panel Thumbnail palette codebase.
  • Export selected Panels Images/Movie/ProjectXML/FinalCutXML.
  • MAC: Code Sign Application.
  • MAC: Move to Qt 5.4.2.
  • Fix: Canvas Magic Wand and Fill Bucket issue when sampling out of bounds.
  • Fix: Project asks to save on close even when no changes are made.
  • Fix: Undo/Redo Canvas brush tool does not trigger save required.
  • Fix: Can not remove panel dialog/notes text in Panel Thumbnail palette.
  • Fix: Panel Thumbnails palette panel grouping not add break if panels fills complete row.
  • Fix: Switching Canvas brush and eraser tools mid stoke doesn't end tool operation correctly.
  • Fix: Autosave can happen during tool mouse interaction.
  • Fix: Export image compositing transparancy incorrect.
  • Fix: Some canvas tool cursors are incorrectly retained when mouse outside canvas viewport.
  • Fix: Rare possible issue with Stage data in Panel File becoming corrupted.
  • Fix: Canvas Distort Transform Tool shows selection preview distorted correctly.
  • Fix: Sticky navigation mode sometimes activates when using key camera navigation shortcuts.
  • Fix: Canvas Transform apply dialog showing if no transform has been made.
  • Fix: WINDOWS: Viewport updates when window is Un-Minimized.
  • Fix: MAYA: PFE exporter can create some 'exploded' triangle verticies.
  • Docs: Stage Tools Palette Draft.
  • Docs: Canvas Layers Palette Draft.
  • Docs: Installation Draft.
  • Docs: Stage workspace Draft.
  • Docs: Canvas workspace Draft.

PanelForge 1.2.1

(PanelForge 1.2.0 skipped).

  • Snapping to surface stage move 'Magic Transform' tool.
  • Assets palette remember tree items expanded.
  • Show Canvas overlay in Stage workspace view.
  • Default project dialog window
  • Adjustable stage grid size.
  • Floating palette window geometry restored after palette closed.
  • Floating palette windows when first displayed use a default size/position.
  • Can change the rotation and rotation order of stage perspective cameras.
  • Changing a stage objects rotation order retains previous rotation.
  • Stage material diffuse amount multiplier.
  • Bloom and sensitivity stage drawing options.
  • Show stage high quality drawing constituent passes menu settings.
  • Stage material normal map scale amount.
  • Show Extras menu in stage workspace toolbar.
  • Importing pinkwafer scene dump retains object hierarchy.
  • Stage outliner palette object visibility column indicator.
  • Fix: Issue with world translate of stage object with parent translate offsets.
  • Fix: Zoom tool can change zoom value outside valid bounds.
  • Fix: Turning on graphics tablet sample buffer setting not working.
  • Fix: UI update possible taking place mid canvas brush stokes.
  • Fix: Panel File Preview could not be loaded issue.
  • Fix: Possible issue when stage object is parented to a child.
  • Fix: New unsaved panel is not automatically saved when renamed.
  • Fix: Changing material texture now updates correctly when filename/library is changed.
  • Fix: Light shadow map regen correctly on attribute change.
  • Fix: Lights/Light attributes paste correctly.
  • Fix: Possible issues changing light parameters and other shader macro.
  • Fix: Decals not visible.
  • Fix: WINDOWS: Some dialog and tool windows are always above when application looses focus.

PanelForge 1.1.1

  • Thumbnail Palette Grouping.
  • Canvas distort transform tool.
  • Stage view pixel doubling (default on HiDPi screens).
  • Decrement/Increment panel selected name(s).
  • Set selected panel name(s) value with incremental panel numbering.
  • Set selected panel episode/shot/scene name(s) value.
  • Faster saving in some cases.
  • Improve single panel renaming.
  • Fast general panel renaming.
  • Un/grouping stage object retains world space transform.
  • Shift Enter to complete and tab to skip to next Panel text in Panel Thumbnails Palette.
  • Stage navigation overlay context click to active/deactivate.
  • Stage panel camera fit/home view functionality Undoable/Redoable.
  • Stage camera transforms retain z rotations.
  • Additional key operators to transform stage camera with single button mouse.
  • Canvas cut/copy whole layer when no selection mask active.
  • Drag & Drop image assets to panels in Panel Thumbnails and Timeline Palettes.
  • MAC: Panel Thumbnail palette support HiDpi (Retina).
  • Other minor improvements.
  • Fix: Custom canvas cursor tool display offsets
  • Fix: Stage doubling of mouse inputs.
  • Fix: Minor issues from Windows crash reports
  • Fix: WINDOWS: Closing Palettes asks to quit application
  • Fix: WINDOWS: Issue with WinTab/WindowsAPI pointer input mode and Middle/Right mouse buttons
  • Fix: MAC: Issue with Cocoa pointer input mode and Retina screen mode
  • Fix: MAYA: PFE Export plugin can't deal with corrupted UV data

PanelForge 1.1.0

  • Panel Thumbnails Palette.
  • Find and Replace Panel Name Dialog Window.
  • Panel Colour tagging.
  • Wacom pen eraser switches to canvas eraser tool with paint tool.
  • Can create new folders with asset browser in external asset libraries.
  • Update the asset browser only when really required.
  • MAC: Use sheet dialog windows with asset palettes input dialogs.
  • MAC: Move to OSX 10.10 Yosemite, Xcode 6 development platform.
  • Fix: Using canvas tool keyboard shortcuts do not change mouse cursor.
  • Fix: Auto panel unloading sometimes stops current panel loading.
  • Fix: Panels dragged to asset browser have assets set to absolute paths.
  • Fix: Check stage assets of target not previous panel on panel view change.
  • Fix: Issue duplicating stages with grouped geometry.
  • Fix: Renaming asset in asset browser does not remove old named asset from list.
  • Fix: Dragging a panel from asset browser to a single panel/empty project issue.
  • Fix: WINDOWS: Improve scroll speed in palette scrollable areas.