Canvas Tools

From PanelForge 5 Documentation
Revision as of 17:19, 18 July 2015 by James (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The 'Canvas Tools' palette provides the ability to select the current interactive tool active in the canvas workspace. The palette also makes available all the available setti...")
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The 'Canvas Tools' palette provides the ability to select the current interactive tool active in the canvas workspace. The palette also makes available all the available settings to currently active canvas workspace tool.

Canvas Tools Palette with Settings Expanded.
Canvas Tools Palette with Settings Collapsed.

Hand Tool

Pan Canvas

Zoom Tool

Drag Zoom

Paint Brush Tool

Type Flow Opacity Radius Hardness Spacing Smoothing Pressure Behind

Eraser Brush Tool

Type Flow Opacity Radius Hardness Spacing Smoothing Pressure

Fill Bucket Tool

Tolerance Restrict to Canvas Restrict to Range

Eyedropper Tool

Sample All Visible Layers

Move Tool

Show Boundary

Free Transform Tool

Flip Horizontal Flip Vertical Rotate -45 Degrees Rotate +45 Degrees

Rectangle Selection Tool

Lasso Selection Tool

Freeform Polygonal

Magic Wand Selection Tool

Tolerance Restrict to Canvas Restrict to Range