Edit Menu

From PanelForge 5 Documentation
Revision as of 16:56, 18 December 2017 by James (talk | contribs)

Follows is a description of the items and functionality provided in the PanelForge ‘Edit’ main menu bar menu:

Undo (Ctrl Z) Toggle to the document state previous to the current PanelForge command interaction.
Redo (Ctrl Shift Z) Toggle to the next document state after the current PanelForge command interaction.
Cut (Ctrl X) Move the current Canvas Selection or selected Stage object(s) to the Clipboard. Canvas selection areas are stored in the clipboard in the generic system image format and can be pasted to most third party image editing Applications.
Copy (Ctrl C) Copy the current Canvas Selection or selected Stage object(s) to the Clipboard. Canvas selection areas are stored in the clipboard in the generic system image format and can be pasted to most third party image editing Applications.
Copy Special -> Object Transform and Attributes Copy the object transform and attribute information from the currently selected Stage object to the clipboard.
Copy Special -> Object Transform (Ctrl Shift C) Copy the object transform information from the currently selected Stage object to the clipboard.
Copy Special -> Object Attributes Copy the object attribute information from the currently selected Stage object to the clipboard.
Paste (Ctrl V) Copy the contents from the clipboard to the current active workspace or selected object. Generic system image format data copied from third party applications can be pasted into the Canvas when active.
Paste Special -> To Selected Panels... (Ctrl Shift V) When Stage Object transform or attribute information in available in the clipboard it can be pasted to objects in multiple Panel Stages. An option Window is displayed that provides functionality to select the available designation objects.
Find -> Find and Replace Panel(s) Name... (Ctrl F) Display the ‘Find and Replace Panel Name…’ tool window providing functionality to quickly select and/or adjust the naming of multiple panels quickly in the current Project.
Preferences... Display the PanelForge Application Preference window. The options in this window adjust various ways the Application will behave.