File Menu
From PanelForge 5 Documentation
Follows is a description of the items and functionality provided in the PanelForge main menu bar 'File' menu:
New Project... | Displays the New Project dialog window. Closes the current PanelForge Project if open. |
Open Project... | Displays the Open Project File dialog window. Closes the current PanelForge Project if open. |
Open Recent | Sub menu of items for each 10 previously opened PanelForge Project. Selecting an item will open the corresponding PanelForge Project. Closes the current PanelForge Project if open. |
Close Project | Closes the current PanelForge Project and returns to the PanelForge Welcome Window. |
Save All | |
Save All As... | |
Save Panel | |
Import -> Final Cut Pro 7 XML Sequence... | |
Import -> Final Cut Pro 7 XML Timing... | |
Import -> Panel File(s)... | |
Import -> Project Panel Files (Merge Projects)... | |
Import -> Image File(s) As Panel(s)... | |
Import -> Image File As Layer... | |
Import -> Model Geometry File... | |
Import -> Project Panel Files (Merge Projects)... | |
Export... | |
Exit |