File Menu

From PanelForge 5 Documentation
Revision as of 19:51, 17 June 2017 by James (talk | contribs)

Follows is a description of the items and functionality provided in the PanelForge main menu bar 'File' menu:

New Project... Displays the New Project dialog window. Closes the current PanelForge Project if open.
Open Project... Displays the Open Project File dialog window. Closes the current PanelForge Project if open.
Open Recent Sub menu of items for each 10 previously opened PanelForge Project. Selecting an item will open the corresponding PanelForge Project. Closes the current PanelForge Project if open.
Close Project Closes the current PanelForge Project and returns to the PanelForge Welcome Window.
Save All
Save All As...
Save Panel
Import -> Final Cut Pro 7 XML Sequence...
Import -> Final Cut Pro 7 XML Timing...
Import -> Panel File(s)...
Import -> Project Panel Files (Merge Projects)...
Import -> Image File(s) As Panel(s)...
Import -> Image File As Layer...
Import -> Model Geometry File...
Import -> Project Panel Files (Merge Projects)...