Stage Viewport

From PanelForge 5 Documentation

This page is early work in progress draft. Information may be incorrect or incomplete.


Each viewport in PanelForge provides a specialised toolbar with a range of interface items to quickly manipulate how and what is shown in viewport.

This toolbar is divided into the following sections:


An 'Undo and Redo' button for the fast ability to toggle between document states. This functionality can also be accessed from the File Menu with corresponding Keyboard Shortcuts.


Interfaces to quickly change the additional items displayed in the Canvas Viewport.

Overlay Display Menu Button

Toggle the display of Overlays in the Viewport via a popup menu when the button is clicked. The following items are avalible to toggle in the popup menu:

  • Show All Overlays - Toggles all the Overlays in the menu active.
  • Hide All Overlays - Toggles all the Overlays in the menu deactive.
  • Panel Name
  • Panel Time Code
  • Panel Time Code
  • Panel Focal Length
  • Panel Dialogue
  • Panel Action
  • Panel Camera
  • Panel Tag Colour
  • Canvas Forground Overlay
  • Canvas Background Overlay

Guides Display Menu Button

Toggle the display of Guides in the Viewport via a popup menu when the button is clicked. The following items are avalible to toggle in the popup menu:

  • Show All Guides - Toggles all the Guides in the menu active.
  • Hide All Guides - Toggles all the Guides in the menu deactive.
  • Canvas Origin
  • Action Safe Area
  • Title Safe Area

Show Extras

A button with popup menu that provides the ability to quickly show and hide scene ornaments and object guides. The following items are avalible to toggle in the popup menu:

  • Cameras
  • Lights
  • Locators
  • Decals
  • Navigation Overlay
  • Info Overlay
  • Axis Overlay
  • Grid


Buttons to toggle the drawing quality of the current camera which the Stage viewport is being viewed through.

The qualities are the following:

  • Bounding Box: The simplest view made up of boxes constructed of lines where each box shown encompasses a Geometry Model Object.
  • Wireframe: Shows the Geometry Model Object’s underlying geometry shapes with unfilled lines.
  • Fast Quality: The Geometry Model Object’s are shown in a simple shaded way optimised for the fastest drawing speed.
  • Best Quality: Uses advanced drawing methods to draw the scene in high quality while retaining realtime interaction. This Drawing method is also used for the final output of the Stage view to the Canvas.


Various controls to adjust camera related settings in the current Panel Stage.

Camera Selection Menu

A pop menu that is used to select which Camera object in the current Panels Stage is used when drawing the viewport. The following cameras are provided in the Stage scene to switch between:

  • Panel Camera: The main Stage camera that is used to generate the final output such as the ‘Stage Layer’ in the Panel’s Canvas. This Camera provides full Film Camera like functionality.
  • Edit Camera: A secondary Camera to assist in positioning and adjusting the Stage scene’s contents. This Camera provides full Film Camera like functionality.
  • Front Camera: A simple front viewing orthographic camera to assist in positioning and adjusting the Stage scene’s contents.
  • Top Camera: A simple top viewing orthographic camera to assist in positioning and adjusting the Stage scene’s contents.
  • Left Camera: A simple side viewing orthographic camera to assist in positioning and adjusting the Stage scene’s contents.

Camera Selection Buttons

Select 'Previous' and 'Next' Camera in the above 'Camera Selection Menu'.

Home View Button

A button that resets the current Panel’s Stage Camera to it’s initial default position.

Fit View Button

A button that adjusts the current Panel’s Stage Camera view to encompass all the currently selected Stage object.


Contains controls to switch the Workspace layout. These controls are present in all workspaces.

  • Popup Menu to select between the available workspaces. Last menu entry ‘Reset Default Workspaces’ will reset the default ‘Canvas Workspace’ and ’Stage Workspace’.
  • Button to switch between the current and previous workspace.
  • Button to toggle display of Assets Palette Window.
  • Button to toggle hidding of Palette Windows docked into the Workspace Window.